There are two cliché sayings that have become themes in my life since I’ve been here: “Absence makes the heart grow fonder,” and “you don’t realize what you have until it’s gone.” But it is the latter that has most recently slapped me in the face. True, pretty much immediately once I arrived in Ghana, I realized the advantages I have living in the US, and I commented on them in my initial two entries. But my commentary concentrated mostly on modern conveniences and cultural differences-- things that I am quite capable of not having while I’m here, but will be so much more thankful for once I get back to The States: decent internet, dairy products, heated water, and a constant flow of water and power. But there is one thing that I realized that I can actually not live without and all my life I have taken it for granted-- my health.
What a difference having your health makes to, well, your life! I’m not going to be a drama queen/ silly American and say I had this epiphany while lying on my death bed in Africa, but I definitely had this realization in my two weeks of lying in bed haha!
When I last posted, it had been 6 days since I fell ill. It is now day 14 and I am FINALLY able to get out of bed without any hesitation, because I now have the strength. Since we last spoke, or more accurately, I spoke and you read, I have had a rough time dealing with my tropical ailment. Although malaria was never confirmed by my blood sample, the doctors are still convinced that I had malaria, for the symptoms that I had, and that my platelet count was unusually low, an effect of malaria, but not exclusive to the parasite. And, the parasite apparently goes in and out of your blood, so at the time of my sample, the parasite could have been chilling in my liver or something. Great, right?
What do I think? Well, I didn’t ever think that I had malaria until about day 12; therefore, I will refer to my tropical ailment as malaria, because I now believe that is what it was. What swayed me? Let me explain in a nutshell…
I was put on this 6 day 3 times a day pill to treat the malaria, and it made me feel horrible. I mean, I didn’t feel like I was getting any better and the days were coming and going with minimal improvement. I wasn’t eating (loss of appetite was a side effect of the pills), I was nauseous constantly which made eating the last thing I wanted to do (also a wicked side effect of the drug), and when I was able to eat, I was vomiting it up either immediately after, or even up to 7 hours later! (again, another perquisite of the drug). So eating was beyond a chore, I could even say painful. I’m eating about 500 calories a day then subsequently losing close to 200 of them. And it’s been like this for a week at this point, so I’m just trying not to wither away. My energy is low, strength is dwindling each day. It got to the point where showering was a feat of its own. Oh yeah, we also didn’t have water and power for 48 hours, so if normal showering wasn’t hard enough for me, bucket showers were extra enticing and enjoyable!
Ok, but I’m not writing this for the sympathy card, or even to bitch and complain and try to prove “how hard my life was,” but it was unfortunate to say the least haha, and that’s really my point.
So on Wednesday I went back to the hospital because you know what? I was still shitty and it had been 10 days. I still wasn’t convinced this was malaria because the medicine I felt was harming more than helping me. After more lab work from more samples taken from me, and 6 hours of waiting, it was decided that my current ill state, was still due to the malaria meds (which I ended 2 days ago, but apparently are still active in my body and still affecting me). So I was given anti-vomiting meds to help keep down the food, and told that I’ll be better in 3-4 days time. Well, despite my skepticism at the time (which I openly voiced to the doctor, might I add! haha jeez I’m so American), I felt better even 2 days after and hadn’t vomited since I left the hospital (for the third time in 10 days). It is at this point that I began to believe that maybe it was malaria; I was definitely feeling better, I was holding down my food, consequently finally feeling A BIT stronger, and this is what the doctor said would happen once the malaria meds subsided. I did have a reaction to the malaria meds, but after they had done their job, and the (painfully tedious) treatment was over, I was cured!
It is day 14 since I fell ill, and although I have not tested my energy/ strength by doing the 20 minute walk to campus in 85 degree heat, I feel like a person again. I want to eat and I like eating. I mean, I went so long without it, I missed it haha! I haven’t touched Ghanaian food yet though. I’m still sick of that! But I went to the supermarket in the city and bought snack foods I’m familiar with. Honestly, I might not be the healthiest person right now, but I’m eating foods that I WANT to eat, and that will STAY down. This is the priority at this point. Nutrition can come later haha.
This is the view from my shower at Green Turtle at sunset. They have gorgeous outdoor showers!
Today was the first time in 2 weeks that I even attempted going to class, and it was a great success! I feel great. Thus far, my professors have been pretty forgiving about me missing 2 weeks of lecture due to malaria.
At this point, however, I yearn to be out of my bed (which if you know me well, I would NEVER say back home!) But there is so much to do here, and time is seriously running out! I have 6 weeks left of classes, then finals, and then I’m leaving Ghana to backpack for 6 weeks! I’ve lost two weekends, and there is no time to waste!
But before I go, let me close with this-- For everyone reading, thank you again for the love and support. I’ve received a lot of surprising get well messages and best wishes from people, which really were heart warming (cliché, but true!) while I was in my lowest point. Thank you again, and really, it means so much!
Also, if you have any questions/ things you want me to touch upon in my next blog, email me!
Oh, and if you would like me to email you every time I update, email me and let me know!
I am better and ready to get going!
Love to you all,
Stay well, and care for your health!